Fighters are the specialists in using weapons and executing armed physical attacks, and in general are experts at weapons combat. There are six skills fighters have to govern their combat ability. Attack: This skill is the catch-all skill of combat. It represents a character's ability to judge an opponent and find openings to hit. It has nothing to do with exactly what type of weapon the fighter is using, but applies to all armed combat. Riding: This skill controls the ability to fight from horseback (or of course, the back of any steed the fighter may procure.) A fighter may use his weapon more effectively due to being mounted, and can also control his mount and direct it to hurt opponents. This skill is associated with Knights. Two-handed: This skill relates to the use of a single weapon with both hands. Two-handed weapons are, in general, larger and heavier than single-handed weapons, and this difference can be used to an advantage. This skill represents knowledge of how to use these large weapons effectively. This skill is associated with Barbarians. Double wielding: This skill represents ability to use two weapons simultaneously. Coordinating two weapons can create interesting effects and allow a fighter to get multiple hits in faster than he could with only one weapon. This skill is associated with Warriors. Shield: This skill lets a fighter use his shield to do more than simply block incoming attacks. Shield can be used cunningly for more defense, or for offensive charges to get various effects. This skill is associated with Centurions Tactics: This skill allows a fighter to use various different planned tactics to make their combat more effective. Some of these battle tactics are instinctive, and some are very calculated, planned moves that allow the smarter folk among fighters to put their brains to use in taking down their foes. This skill is associated with Rangers. Archery: This skill allows a fighter to use of a bow to fight. Bows are probably one of the hardest weapons to use as it is limited by the number of arrows you can carry. This skills is associated with Marksman. These skills are related to each other according to the following diagram of associations. The skills which are adjacent on the wheel are closely related, and those across from each other are distantly related. Attack, at the center, is the skill that controls them all. Tactics---------Archery / \ / \ Double wielding Attack Riding \ / \ / Two-handed---------Shield See also: fighter, traits