Monument ShadowMUD

Re: Re: Teleport2

by Icewolfz

Message 53 on The Mage Board

i had notes on possible teleporting to wizmarked items but i havnt gotten around to it as that would basilcy make wizmarks more useful other then just wizrecall and what ever command t osee where wizmarks are main issue is trying to prevent ot much abuse and people droping marked items all over to tp to and tp to player is abusbale as precrahs it was so bad it required each player to enable it which is why the current teleport was recoded to use a marker system to well make it usable but as isaid i do have an idae for telport ot marker eg telemarker or something more usefu then teleport ot players really hardest part is figuing out how to detemrin which marker ot tp to and the rules for it as markers could be anything and would have to figure out some command syntax to know how ot get to the marked iem eg teleport to item id eg if a knife was wizmarked youd would teleport to knife/any valid id and if more the n1 item with same id you tp to the first one could throw in a band random chance to tp to another marker insetad or such -icey

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18:13, Shadowday, Praxi 1, 214 AD.

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