Monument ShadowMUD

hampering opponent (s) spells

by Gir

Message 55 on The Mage Board

okay I know I've play monk mostly, just hear me out. conjuring: slip the conjuror creates a frictionless material under the feet of opponent at higher ranks it unlocks list option for how much the room is effected. elementals: elementalcage reduces physical attacks, the elementalcage come with a list of which elements to use. Note very large creature have s higher chance to shatter cage or blow away the magic. though you coukd slow it by caging limbs separately. sorcery/magic/necromancy: pages of Bondage!! yes sir Magical book pages binding creature big & large! ideas from the wicked stuffed toy pig of Gir.

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17:58, Shadowday, Praxi 1, 214 AD.

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