Monument ShadowMUD


[12-05 16:53][Chat]Icewolfz: also supports true fullscreen
[12-05 16:53][Chat]Icewolfz: granted old mobile did that as well
[12-05 16:53][Chat]Icewolfz: removes some of the browser controls if iremmber
[12-05 16:53][Chat]Icewolfz: ovelal it hsould work in mobile aswell
[12-05 16:53][Chat]Icewolfz: and addsa ton of featuers the old mobile lacks
[12-05 16:53][Chat]Icewolfz: like you can open mapper
[12-05 16:54][Chat]Icewolfz: granted it take the full view but you can at least view it now
[12-05 16:54][Chat]Icewolfz tried ot make ti as mobile friendly as he could while also making ot work niceon desktop
[12-05 16:54][Chat]Icewolfz: eg all the 'dialog's on desktop are resizble and movable, but on mobile they are full page like mobile apps
[12-05 16:55][Chat]Icewolfz: oveall a code ditor for profile manger and mayb a true external mapper window are hte last 2 major featuers i want ot attempt
[12-05 16:55][Chat]Icewolfz: then probably markit as 1.0
[12-05 16:55][Chat]Icewolfz: outsie of bugs and oprmziing
[12-05 16:55][Chat]Icewolfz: or htoer stuff
[12-05 16:56][Chat]Icewolfz: may try and add intertab commuincation and commadn systems like the desktop one does
[12-05 16:56][Chat]Icewolfz: as i found a way to communiate between tabs as long as they all have the asme web origin
[12-05 16:56][Chat]Icewolfz: just havtn dug into it to see how good it is
[12-05 16:56][Chat]Icewolfz: eg i could do thinks like #all [commnad] to send a command to all mud tabs
[12-05 16:56][Chat]Icewolfz: if i cna get the intertab stuff working good enough
[12-05 16:57][Chat]Icewolfz: also good time to request featuers
[12-05 16:57][Chat]Icewolfz: if nice neouh i may eve backport o the old client if posisble
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