Monument ShadowMUD


[02-25 19:34][Chat]Icewolfz: ozai or what ever it was
[02-25 19:34][Chat]Icewolfz: granted i think season 2 of live avatar is coing out soon
[02-25 19:35][Chat]Icewolfz: sory next year
[02-25 19:35][Chat]Icewolfz: i think it was one peice tha twas this year
[02-25 19:35][Chat]Icewolfz: granted they are only makign 3 seasons by the looks of the relase notes
[02-25 19:35][Chat]Icewolfz: so looks like the lvi eaction will follow the anaimted of 3 seasons
[02-25 19:36][Chat]Kyoshi: still should be nice
[02-25 19:36][Chat]Icewolfz: from reviews its one of the better lvie animated remakes
[02-25 19:36][Chat]Icewolfz: and not the joke of the movie
[02-25 19:37][Chat]Icewolfz: seems live remakes have bene a crap shoot the last few years
[02-25 19:40][Chat]Kyoshi: ohhh planes is int/wis/str I may go Not-gnome
[02-25 19:40][Chat]David the gnome for the win!
[02-25 19:41][Chat]Kyoshi: goliath the half-ogre for the fail
[02-25 19:41][Chat]Icewolfz: purple gargoyle
[02-25 19:41][Chat]Kyoshi: heh gargolyues was pretty cool
[02-25 19:42][Chat]Icewolfz: suruspeid no reboot of that
[02-25 19:42][Chat]Icewolfz: herad reboot of tailspins may happen
[02-25 19:42][Chat]Icewolfz: and maybe a darkwing
[02-25 19:42][Chat]Icewolfz: graned the darkwing was hinted at in ducktales
[02-25 19:43][Chat]Kyoshi: I'd play a gargolye race in a heartbeat...well that and illithid. hard to find though
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