Monument ShadowMUD


[01-30 13:56][Chat]Icewolfz: well ulga is a high level zaal priest
[01-30 13:56][Chat]No: ulga is a trainer, so expect harder than normal
[01-30 13:56][Chat]Doji: well see about that
[01-30 13:57][Chat]Icewolfz: she can holyshout
[01-30 13:57][Chat]No: basically a dragon without the extra 10000 hp
[01-30 13:57][Chat]Icewolfz: can also vinetanlge ot entranlge people
[01-30 13:57][Chat]Icewolfz: so 2 ways to trap players
[01-30 13:57][Chat]Icewolfz: and blocks the exit
[01-30 13:58][Chat]Icewolfz: a npc i didnt design for a chagne
[01-30 14:24][Chat]Kazynn: Hey gang
[01-30 14:24][Chat]Doji: heya Kaz
[01-30 14:24][Chat]A goblin biker gang mugs Kazynn.
[01-30 14:58][Chat]Doji: anyone heard of a show called stranger things on the flix
[01-30 15:04][Chat]Kazynn: Yeah I watcha season or 2 of it before I let me subscription go
[01-30 15:04][Chat]Doji: ahh, i like it
[01-30 15:04][Chat]Doji: pretty cool
[01-30 15:08][Chat]Kazynn: It was good, i do miss getting to watcha bunch of thsoe shows and such but can't justif=y the cost
[01-30 15:08][Chat]Doji: i bundle mine in my tmobile
[01-30 15:09][Chat]Doji: $9 a month
[01-30 15:10][Chat]Kazynn: Nice, thats a good deal
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07:06, Lockday, Kortki 12, 213 AD.

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