Monument ShadowMUD


[12-12 14:53][Mage]NEWS: Query is now level 24.
[12-12 14:53][Mage]NEWS: Query is now level 25.
[12-12 16:27][Mage]NEWS: Query is now an Elementalist!
[12-12 16:35][Mage]NEWS: Query is now journeymanned in Conjuror!
[12-12 16:43][Mage]NEWS: Query is now journeymanned in Necromancer!
[12-12 22:08][Mage]NEWS: Query is now level 26.
[12-12 22:08][Mage]NEWS: Query is now level 27.
[12-12 22:08][Mage]NEWS: Query is now level 28.
[12-12 22:08][Mage]NEWS: Query is now level 29.
[12-12 22:08][Mage]NEWS: Query is now level 30.
[12-13 11:38][Mage]Query cantrip (after you get a camp fire going do the cantrips to even out the heat so you can roast up to 30 meats 15 steak.
[12-13 12:40][Mage]NEWS: Query is now level 31.
[12-13 13:43][Mage]Query mesmerize?? where you mezs a group, and attack one out of the group. yet if you cast a spell that effect more than one opponents it will break mezz , plus the opponents will will have immunity to mezz for 2 minutes
[12-13 15:57][Mage]Query Wait why isn't there a teleport circle inside the mage trainer towers walk from one portal back to the main kieron mage hall.
[12-13 16:50][Mage]NEWS: Query is now level 32.
[12-13 17:23][Mage]Query ponders Muse magic
[12-13 17:24][Mage]Query or or interrupt mage.
[12-13 20:47][Mage]NEWS: Gir has joined the mages.
[12-13 20:49][Mage]Rmp: lol
[12-13 21:33][Mage]Gir light.
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19:45, Lockday, Kantki 2, 212 AD.

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