Monument ShadowMUD


[11-26 23:07][Monk]NEWS: Mohre has joined the Talon Clan!
[11-26 23:10][Monk]NEWS: Mohre has journeymanned the Tail Clan!
[11-26 23:22][Monk]NEWS: Mohre has journeymanned the Spirit Clan!
[11-26 23:22][Monk]NEWS: read all about it!
[11-26 23:22][Monk]Mohre: ha ja
[11-26 23:31][Monk]Mohre: im not taking the animal comands. :(
[11-26 23:32][Monk]Icewolfz: hmm rainbow should have appeard on this line too
[11-26 23:32][Monk]Mohre: test
[11-26 23:32][Monk]Icewolfz: animal commands?
[11-26 23:32][Monk]Mohre: monkey, crane
[11-26 23:33][Monk]Icewolfz: ah they basically give a skill boost
[11-26 23:33][Monk]Icewolfz: they are left over idea from katros monk idea
[11-26 23:33][Monk]Icewolfz: orinally he wanted each animla to adjust monk skills dynamicly but that pretty much killed subclassing
[11-26 23:33][Monk]Icewolfz: and training skills
[11-26 23:33][Monk]Mohre: taking up a consentration
[11-26 23:33][Monk]Icewolfz: granted now i have to look it othe line system and figure out why the rainbow fails
[11-26 23:34][Monk]Icewolfz: test
[11-26 23:34][Monk]Icewolfz: test
[11-26 23:34][Monk]Mohre: moo
[11-26 23:34][Monk]Icewolfz: test
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13:47, Darkday, Kortki 14, 212 AD.

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