Monument ShadowMUD


[03-04 23:03][Newbie]Icewolfz: not a lot play any more or have moved on
[03-04 23:03][Newbie]Amazon: sad but true
[03-04 23:03][Newbie]Icewolfz: dont remmeber the group url off hand amazon or kill probbaly know it
[03-04 23:03][Newbie]Icewolfz: cant remmeber the requirements ot join
[03-04 23:03][Newbie]Icewolfz: beleave beleqwaya cheyne and ore run it
[03-04 23:03][Newbie]Amazon: shadowmud group on facebook is what I know
[03-04 23:03][Newbie]Icewolfz: but i cant rmemeber
[03-04 23:03][Newbie]Lavi: Well I don't remember anything from this mud other than the people that made it fun. Glad to go through with fresh eyes heh
[03-04 23:03][Newbie]Amazon: unless this is something I don't know about
[03-04 23:04][Newbie]Amazon: well its not your grandma's sm anymore but not as scary as I thought it would be
[03-04 23:05][Newbie]Icewolfz: place is simialr ot precrash but some things are diff
[03-04 23:05][Newbie]Icewolfz: some areas are larger/shifted
[03-04 23:05][Newbie]Icewolfz: and i changed how sevearl things worked
[03-04 23:05][Newbie]Amazon: which kept me away for a long time getting body damage and limbs cut off and bleeding out
[03-04 23:05][Newbie]Icewolfz: as have others
[03-04 23:06][Newbie]Lavi: Neat. Well thank you for your service, so to speak.
[03-04 23:06][Newbie]Icewolfz: once you create you can try the newbie school or just pick a class and see how long you survive
[03-04 23:07][Newbie]Amazon: thats not terrifying at all icewolfz
[03-04 23:07][Newbie]Lavi: Well, I have a fair bit of reading to do, so I'll get crackin at it and holler if I get stuck
[03-04 23:07][Newbie]Icewolfz: most of the help files are also on the website
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16:16, Flameday, Kortki 3, 210 AD.

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