Monument ShadowMUD


[12-11 17:39][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> grantdn ot sure out of how many tries <-{-
[12-11 17:40][Rogue]Pohaku Xor only took 4 arrows <==]÷÷*
[12-11 17:40][Rogue]Pohaku he got hit 4 times. <==]÷÷*
[12-11 17:40][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> could be good arrows with strikes <-{-
[12-11 17:41][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> granted it hsould be harder ot hit her at level 5 <-{-
[12-11 17:41][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> but i could be wrong been a while sinc ei looked at arrow hit miss systems <-{-
[12-11 17:41][Rogue]Pohaku took hours <==]÷÷*
[12-11 17:41][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> so shot and lt her sit and die? <-{-
[12-11 20:43][Rogue]Naprox does the dance of Death & nods to you in thanks, then fades in to the darkness
[12-11 22:59][Rogue]NEWS: Stitch is now level 12.
[12-11 22:59][Rogue]NEWS: Stitch is now level 13.
[12-11 23:01][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> rogue on the rise! <-{-
[12-11 23:03][Rogue]Stitch: Rogue on climbing back up the hill is more like it. :)
[12-11 23:15][Rogue]NEWS: Stitch is now level 14.
[12-12 20:29][Rogue]NEWS: Stitch is now level 15.
[12-12 21:29][Rogue]Naprox does the dance of Death & nods to you in thanks, then fades in to the darkness
[12-12 21:29][Rogue]Naprox winks
[12-12 21:39][Rogue]NEWS: Stitch is now level 14.
[12-12 21:47][Rogue]NEWS: Stitch is now level 15.
[12-12 21:49][Rogue]Brutus: congrats!
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14:35, Darkday, Kortki 14, 212 AD.

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