Monument ShadowMUD


[01-24 19:21][Rogue]Stryder: I think you ASK his about apprenticeship
[01-24 19:22][Rogue]Theren: nevermind i found it you have to look at guran
[01-24 19:22][Rogue]Theren: yes you are right
[01-24 19:22][Rogue]Stryder: I think you <apprentice murder>
[01-24 19:22][Rogue]Stryder: It has been a... while... lol
[01-24 19:22][Rogue]Stryder is a BARD.
[01-24 19:22][Rogue]Theren: ah ok
[01-24 19:23][Rogue]NEWS: Theren is now an Assassin!
[01-24 19:23][Rogue]Stryder: You Woo Hoo!
[01-24 19:23][Rogue]Stryder: You can also sub in two others.... I think you <journeyman XXX> to do it.
[01-24 19:24][Rogue]Stryder: where the XXX is thug, bard, acrobat, thief, or trickster
[01-24 19:24][Rogue]Theren: shh assassins are not meant to be public knowledge lol
[01-24 19:24][Rogue]Theren: i remember reading something about that. thanks
[01-24 19:24][Rogue]Stryder: I sub subbed in it... with the main as a bard... so, I sing about assassins all the time. They NEVER suspect... ME.
[01-24 19:24][Rogue]Stryder grins.
[01-24 19:25][Rogue]Theren: assassin trickster i am thinking
[01-24 19:25][Rogue]Stryder: Bard might make a good third...
[01-24 19:25][Rogue]Stryder: or not.
[01-24 19:25][Rogue]Stryder: acro is pretty good to have too.
[01-24 19:26][Rogue]Theren: cool
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13:10, Flameday, Sartki 18, 207 AD.

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