Monument ShadowMUD


[12-18 21:53][Rogue]Rogre: what a conundrum.
[12-18 21:53][Rogue]Rogre: these things havea way of working themselves out
[12-18 21:53][Rogue]Shandia shrugs.. not for me. Free agent if he wants to be like that.
[12-18 21:53][Rogue]Shandia: ass. not you, him.
[12-18 21:54][Rogue]Shandia: I wanna block him rn
[12-18 22:00][Rogue]NEWS: Shandia is now level 11.
[12-18 22:00][Rogue]NEWS: Shandia is now level 12.
[12-18 22:00][Rogue]NEWS: Shandia is now level 13.
[12-18 22:00][Rogue]NEWS: Shandia is now level 14.
[12-18 22:00][Rogue]NEWS: Shandia is now level 15.
[12-18 22:00][Rogue]NEWS: Shandia is now level 16.
[12-18 22:00][Rogue]NEWS: Shandia is now level 17.
[12-18 22:00][Rogue]Stone: congrats!
[12-18 22:00][Rogue]Shandia: thank you my friends...
[12-19 18:24][Rogue]NEWS: Stone is now level 81.
[12-19 19:53][Rogue]NEWS: Stone is now level 82.
[12-19 20:00][Rogue]Stryder: Woo HOO!
[12-20 20:17][Rogue]Stone: it took me until last night to figure out that feedback was a combat init command. :)
[12-21 20:12][Rogue]NEWS: Stone is now level 83.
[12-22 13:39][Rogue]NEWS: Stone is now level 84.
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07:25, Shadowday, Kortki 11, 209 AD.

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