Monument ShadowMUD


[11-22 17:22][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> eg your cant do anyting your busy clapping <-{-
[11-22 17:25][Rogue]Prime cackles!
[11-23 12:56][Rogue]NEWS: Stone is now level 44.
[11-23 12:56][Rogue]NEWS: Stone is now level 45.
[11-23 12:57][Rogue]Intoll: Grats
[11-23 12:57][Rogue]Shivver: wooot!
[11-23 12:57][Rogue]Stone: thanks
[11-23 12:57][Rogue]Stone: full up on stats and skills. it was time to advance
[11-23 13:27][Rogue]Intoll: Ice, didn't try last night since I was turkeying with friends... Logged in after reboot and feedback is much better.
[11-23 13:32][Rogue]Brutus: not my main rig. :) that much is for certain
[11-23 13:40][Rogue]NEWS: Intoll is now level 51.
[11-23 13:40][Rogue]NEWS: Intoll is now level 52.
[11-23 13:40][Rogue]Brutus: congratulations!
[11-23 13:40][Rogue]Shivver: niiice!
[11-23 13:40][Rogue]Intoll: Thanks
[11-23 14:20][Rogue]NEWS: Intoll is now level 53.
[11-23 14:20][Rogue]Stone: whoa
[11-23 14:20][Rogue]Intoll: Stoppin at 55 for stats
[11-23 16:23][Rogue]NEWS: Intoll is now level 54.
[11-23 16:23][Rogue]NEWS: Intoll is now level 55.
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17:12, Flameday, Ketralki 13, 208 AD.

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