Monument ShadowMUD


[05-19 20:22][RP]Dmx: WHY'S EVERYBODY YELLING?!
[05-19 20:22][RP]Dmx: GET AT ME, DWAG!
[05-19 20:22][RP]Dmx fails.
[05-19 20:22][RP]Aim agrees.
[05-19 20:23][RP]Dinin: aye! like a blaze of dragons fire directly into the sight!
[05-20 21:54][RP]Starfox: I grow tired of this charade, and now I must respond....
[05-20 21:54][RP]Why blows a raspberry on your tummy!
[05-20 21:55][RP]Starfox: A Poptart of all my power shall confront the ice of the weakest wolfz!
[05-20 21:55][RP]Starfox slaps Why away. Because Why not?
[05-20 21:57][RP]Starfox: You may try, but you will know that no matter how many of you band together and writhe upon the land you do not have the strength of the Poptarts.
[05-20 21:59][RP]Starfox: Now then, the time has come, Ice of the Wolfz!
[05-20 22:00][RP]Starfox casts Poptart Strike, aiming it right at Icewolfz and watches it SHATTER THE WORLD!!!
[05-25 13:30][RP]Starfox pulls out a syringe and points it at Icewolfz. On the syringe is a label that reads, in green text, 'Cure for Typoism.' Below that text is much more smaller text, written in red. It reads, 'Side effects include: Spontaneous combustion, spontaneous addiction to anime, cats chewing on the wifi, nearby houses exploding, Trump becoming ruler of the world, or, uh, instant death.'
[05-26 09:24][RP]Starfox pulls out a syringe and points it at Yahwen. On the syringe is a label that reads, in green text, 'Cure for Keoghism.' Below that text is much more smaller text, written in red. It reads, 'Side effects include: Spontaneous combustion, spontaneous addiction to anime, cats chewing on the wifi, nearby houses exploding, Trump becoming ruler of the world, or, uh, instant death.'
[05-31 11:19][RP]Paris: hey man
[05-31 11:19][RP]Yahwen: Long TIme
[06-09 20:44][RP]Starfox skins Icey's face and makes a mask out of it, before putting on the mask. 'I'm god, I can do anything with Uranus!'
[06-14 15:20][RP]Morgan sings 'Its the end of the world as we know it.'
[10-29 22:49][RP]Am: icey.. the eog stuff from noc...
[10-29 22:49][RP]Am: needs to have an eog id
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13:18, Lockday, Kortki 2, 212 AD.

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