Monument ShadowMUD


[08-22 20:30][RP]Nightshade: No I have shoes on
[08-22 20:31][RP]Yahwen: Shoes are good
[08-22 20:31][RP]Dara: I believe he's asking when the wedding day is
[08-22 20:31][RP]Yahwen has problems with clothes
[08-22 20:31][RP]Nightshade: Oh wedding day, we have not really discussed that
[08-22 20:31][RP]Yahwen: What weraing clothes?
[08-22 20:32][RP]Yahwen: Perhaps....Nevermind.
[08-22 20:32][RP]Nightshade peers at Yahwen
[08-22 20:32][RP]Nightshade: Perhaps what?
[08-22 20:33][RP]Yahwen: emote looks at Dara.
[08-22 20:33][RP]Yahwen: DOH!
[08-22 20:33][RP]Yahwen looks at Dara.
[08-22 20:33][RP]Dara looks a bit confused
[08-22 20:33][RP]Dara: Dear?
[08-22 20:34][RP]Nightshade: I think I broke his melon with so many shovel hits to the head
[08-22 20:34][RP]Yahwen: Yes my love?
[08-22 20:34][RP]Dara: what are you talking about?
[08-22 20:34][RP]Yahwen: I was talking about my clothes last I remember.
[08-22 20:35][RP]Dara: What about them?
[08-22 20:35][RP]Nightshade blinds himself until Yahwen puts clothes on
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09:22, Lockday, Kortki 12, 213 AD.

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