Monument ShadowMUD

HelpPlayer Commands • Calc

Syntax: calc [formula]> 
A calculator that lets you do integer or floating point calculations. 
You may specify a floating point (real) number by ensuring you write the decimal point followed by at least one digit. Generally functions and operators return the same type argument as they are passed; if arguments are mixed real numbers are returned. 
Operators:   +, -, *, /, %, ^ 
  abs(a)                    - Absolute value (if complex number answer will be float) 
  arg(a)                    - Argument of a complex number. Returns float. 
  complex(a, b)             - Returns a+bi 
  cos(radians)              - returns cosine of angle 
  div(a, b)                 - integer division ( a/b does floating point) 
  exp(x)                    - returns e^x 
  float(a)                  - Converts a to a float with to_float efun 
  int(a)                    - Rounds a to nearest integer 
  ln(x)                     - returns natural logarithm of x 
  polar(abs, arg)           - Returns complex number given polar coordinates 
  sin(radians)              - returns sine of angle 
  sqrt(positive_int)        - square root of positive integer as a float 
  tan(radians)              - returns tangent of angle 
  to_int(a)                 - Converts a to an integer using to_int efun 
  e   = 2.718282            i   = 0+1i                pi  = 3.141593 
Example: calc (2+-1)*-sin(1) 
         calc polar(abs(3+2i), arg(3+2i))

HelpPlayer Commands • Calc

00:46, Vaigday, Kantki 5, 212 AD.

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