Monument ShadowMUD

HelpAbilitiesDisciplineDiscipline • Killercombo

Syntax: <killercombo [opponent]> 
This ultimate combo move builds on kickcombo, adding a vicious finishing throw to the end by slamming your opponent to the ground, dealing instant death if successful. If the throw is not successful, however, the first portion of the combo will still go through just like a kickcombo. 
This command may not be used while mounted. 
The following weapon types are optional: melee, staff, polearm, bow, spear, blunt, or large sword 
Command Tier: Discipline 
Command Rank: G 
Command Cost: 17 mp, 53 sp

HelpAbilitiesDiscipline • Killercombo

02:16, Darkday, Praxi 4, 208 AD.

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