Monument ShadowMUD


[02-19 17:12][Chat]Icewolfz: eg monter dies monster 2 becomes monster 1
[02-19 17:12][Chat]Icewolfz: well if you wnat ot attakc both while still alive you gotta use the #s
[02-19 17:12][Chat]Ebbomega: also interrupts if they're trying to special on me
[02-19 17:13][Chat]Icewolfz: so you gotta topple 1 then topple 2
[02-19 17:13][Chat]Ebbomega: yea
[02-19 17:13][Chat]Icewolfz: so you will need to use #s in that case
[02-19 17:13][Chat]Icewolfz: the # should match the #s on the web client monster bar list if i remember
[02-19 17:13][Chat]Icewolfz: granted i think it #s by type not total monsters
[02-19 17:13][Chat]Icewolfz: eg rat 1 and mouce 1
[02-19 17:13][Chat]Icewolfz: are not the same as monster 1
[02-19 17:14][Chat]Icewolfz: anwyas youd have to experiement
[02-19 17:14][Chat]Icewolfz: if using web clien you can also throw in a #wait to create a stacked attack
[02-19 17:14][Chat]Icewolfz: eg topple monster 1;#wait 2000;topple monster 2
[02-19 17:14][Chat]Icewolfz: but onyl works in web client aliases not mud side
[02-19 17:14][Chat]Icewolfz: that basically runs topttle waits 2 seconds the nruns the 2nd topple
[02-19 17:15][Chat]Icewolfz: may work with #wait 1000
[02-19 17:15][Chat]Icewolfz: but you would need ot test ot get timing
[02-19 17:15][Chat]Icewolfz: in throy 1 round is 2 seconds
[02-19 17:15][Chat]Icewolfz: and #wait uses micro seconds so 2000 is 2 second delay
[02-20 07:31][Chat]Tsiar: No!!! Hi
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