Monument ShadowMUD


[03-27 23:53][Cleric]Icewolfz: i will say once you get level 5 leran find temple
[03-27 23:53][Cleric]Icewolfz: it will make finding the temples a little easier
[03-27 23:53][Cleric]Icewolfz: as when cast in a location i will list any temples in the area
[03-27 23:54][Cleric]Astrid: thanks
[03-27 23:54][Cleric]Icewolfz: bealve its level 5 maxed faith to learn it
[03-27 23:54][Cleric]Icewolfz: deisgned it as thatas about the level you need it
[03-27 23:56][Cleric]Icewolfz: also model's web site is listed on eth adventure board
[03-27 23:57][Cleric]Icewolfz: well an archived version
[03-27 23:57][Cleric]Icewolfz: has old maps and info that is aorund 80% correctish
[03-28 01:13][Cleric]NEWS: Astrid is now level 2.
[03-29 00:11][Cleric]NEWS: Astrid is now level 3.
[03-29 01:16][Cleric]NEWS: Astrid is now level 4.
[03-29 02:27][Cleric]NEWS: Astrid is now level 5.
[03-30 22:11][Cleric]Left: Astrid - need anything? I'm heading out soon.
[03-30 22:11][Cleric]Astrid: I'm good. Thanks for asking
[03-30 22:12][Cleric]Left: even if its just money, I'm good
[03-30 22:12][Cleric]Left: I've been hording a lot lately
[04-02 01:03][Cleric]Astrid: should i max all my skilla or just the ones i want for the diety i plan of following?
[04-02 01:29][Cleric]Icewolfz: every one has thier own choice on that
[04-02 01:29][Cleric]Icewolfz: some like only maxing ones they want, some max all
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07:42, Shadowday, Altki 16, 208 AD.

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