Monument ShadowMUD


[01-25 00:15][Cleric]Icewolfz: free replacement when lost, which only happens when you die in most cases
[01-25 00:15][Cleric]Athena: that's good news
[01-25 00:15][Cleric]Icewolfz: until you subclass just have to visit the devine priestess in the class hall
[01-25 00:16][Cleric]Icewolfz: after picking main deity you have to visit their temple as each deity has their own holy item
[01-25 00:17][Cleric]Icewolfz: as a newbie you should be able to learn all rank a prayers
[01-25 00:17][Cleric]Icewolfz: rank b prayers start around level 5
[01-25 00:17][Cleric]Icewolfz: and will spread out based on skills
[01-25 00:18][Cleric]Icewolfz: by then you will have to find all the temples to learn different types of prayers
[01-25 00:18][Cleric]Icewolfz: as class hall only teaches core faith and rank a prayers
[01-25 00:18][Cleric]Athena: at least by then I'll have findtemple
[01-25 00:18][Cleric]Icewolfz: i will warn clerics tend to be a little harder at low level as they tend to be weaker physically
[01-25 00:18][Cleric]Athena: thanks for your suggestions and help
[01-25 00:18][Cleric]Icewolfz: but by level 20 they start to become powerhouses with multi targeting prayers
[01-25 00:19][Cleric]Icewolfz: mages are similar
[01-25 00:19][Cleric]Icewolfz: fighter tend to be reverse, easier and faster at low level by slower at higher levels
[01-25 00:20][Cleric]Icewolfz: one last time for combat, most prayers have a small window near the end that allows you to run away
[01-25 00:20][Cleric]Icewolfz: this allows for complex timing and hit and run tactics
[01-25 00:20][Cleric]Icewolfz: example you time your hit to land before your target's then you run away before they land a hit
[01-25 00:21][Cleric]Icewolfz: there are other tactics and such that can be used as well
[01-25 00:21][Cleric]Icewolfz: also allows you to try and run if you think you will get hit before your prayer finishes
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13:44, Darkday, Denki 14, 207 AD.

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