Monument ShadowMUD


[12-06 00:49][Monk]Morhe don.. unarmed ?
[12-06 00:50][Monk]Morhe as... combat..?
[12-06 00:50][Monk]Morhe cause its not a weapon..
[12-06 00:51][Monk]Morhe mauls over it.
[12-06 00:54][Monk]Morhe unarmed would be 5/ per level.. it would by pass weapon use. which would pia. and fr ok m what I've seem weapons help with armor to hands.
[12-06 00:56][Monk]Morhe like some of the monk npc's don't use weapons. cause weapons are..
[12-06 00:57][Monk]Morhe slow... at some point should be weaker than bare fists??
[12-08 12:38][Monk]Sahar: damnit!!
[12-08 12:39][Monk]Sahar: forgot that I set this clan already...
[12-09 13:33][Monk]NEWS: Morhe is now level 57.
[12-11 16:06][Monk]Xorrox: the other gnome hath Returned
[12-11 16:09][Monk]Xorrox: Emong you going to concentrate on str instead of goofing off And wasting pts in charisma.
[12-11 16:10][Monk]Xorrox: okay..
[12-11 16:12][Monk]Emong: duh...of course
[12-11 16:13][Monk]Emong: my con and cha are 12
[12-11 16:15][Monk]Xorrox: con 53 cha 18 int 25 <- if Spirit maybe alot higher str 60 wis 53 dex 60
[12-11 16:20][Monk]Xorrox: i could go 65 str. though thats not the sweeper way dec
[12-11 16:21][Monk]Xorrox: though you arleady have a monk
[12-11 16:21][Monk]Emong: i do i do i do
[12-11 16:21][Monk]Emong: but how did you know
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16:47, Vaigday, Kantki 20, 210 AD.

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