Monument ShadowMUD


[12-05 16:58][Monk]Skutevik: most likely we'll have to cheat and each of us drop platinum so either sahar or.. xorrox? oh what about the fuzzy navel Xorpan monk
[12-05 17:00][Monk]Xorpan: I swear.. if there was 1.3 of int between us we'd all ne level 60 beating up on Morhe
[12-05 17:01][Monk]Xorpan: im a no go on power leveling to 19.. ' whats the matter with Sahar??
[12-05 17:03][Monk]Shidifu: I only got 877583xp saved up like Xorpan. what about Mohre any one heard from him after his quad anal extenion from Mammoths??
[12-05 17:05][Monk]Nappy giggles uncontrollably
[12-05 17:07][Monk]Nappy shakes his about pLing with tears running down his mussle as he fights to breath
[12-05 17:09][Monk]Mohre tenderly walks in with his tail in a cast.. ' I tied my best you lot just goofed off. I was 15th level
[12-05 17:10][Monk]Mohre: I gots nothing in my tank nor emotional confidence to try for a while. besides my tail needs to fuse back to my spine.
[12-05 17:10][Monk]Mohre whose left?
[12-05 17:11][Monk]Rabbit sniffs at the gathering monks. then hopd off the game
[12-05 17:12][Monk]Sahar: What the Hell!!
[12-05 17:13][Monk]Sahar: I asked to be left alone today..
[12-05 17:14][Monk]Sahar: besides I dont have rnough xp to max out stuff. & shut the hell up about cheating.. Asp will break you.
[12-05 17:14][Monk]Sahar goes back to her cubicle room
[12-05 17:18][Monk]Xorrox: I gots only 4195815 xp. even with running from Tundra wolves.
[12-05 17:21][Monk]Xorrox: I'd need. a simple ring, mithril ring, maybe steel. I'll look for the metal ring. Id' need 9 million more experience to have stats & skills maxed at 19.
[12-05 17:21][Monk]Xorrox: besides theres allow Alatar could help Darrow also
[12-05 17:22][Monk]Xorrox walks away from the Gathering monks
[12-05 21:45][Monk]NEWS: Xorrox is now level 5.
[12-06 00:49][Monk]Morhe fist/foot. monk makes a fist readying to fight without melee weapons..
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11:08, Vaigday, Kantki 20, 210 AD.

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