Monument ShadowMUD


[11-19 22:15][Monk]Icewolfz: thats the only ruby i remmeber from that island
[11-19 22:16][Monk]Emong: protection from fire
[11-19 22:16][Monk]Alt: ding
[11-19 22:16][Monk]Alt: gotta kill the champion to get it so its pia at 19
[11-19 22:16][Monk]Alt: easy for me
[11-19 22:16][Monk]Emong: ruby ... red ... fire
[11-19 22:16][Monk]Alt: or, I can do there and fetch stuff and let you go later to get the 1st kill xp
[11-19 22:17][Monk]A demon cracks a whip, mush!
[11-19 22:17][Monk]Alt: also the robes from fyrian but I think those are level 20
[11-19 22:17][Monk]Icewolfz: miht have an earring too but i could be remembering somthing else
[11-19 22:18][Monk]Alt: earring for crafting, yess
[11-19 22:18][Monk]Alt: but like level 50 for AL
[11-19 22:18][Monk]Emong's head is spinning
[11-19 22:18][Monk]Icewolfz: it hsould auto but waer usage
[11-19 22:19][Monk]Emong: eog earring
[11-19 22:19][Monk]Alt: emong I tend to go up to level 5 for a while and max it since you can use recall still
[11-19 22:19][Monk]Emong: i like to show off a little ;)
[11-19 22:20][Monk]Zaal puts his hands to gather and whispers: exxxcellllleennnt.
[11-19 22:20][Monk]Emong is getting nervous
[11-20 00:13][Monk]Soap: Yeah I'll be 5th for a few years lol
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08:15, Darkday, Kantki 19, 210 AD.

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