Monument ShadowMUD


[12-27 23:08][Monk]NEWS: Aspen is now level 35.
[12-27 23:09][Monk]Asprox: Heck Yeah!!! Hoooty Whoooty toooty!
[12-28 00:58][Monk]Asp ponders. groundfighting: sweeps & throws introduces monks to
[12-28 01:01][Monk]Asp staying in the fight, while on the ground less negative drawback to being on their back.
[12-28 01:04][Monk]Asp stage 1 getting use to it, stage 2 redusing i coming attacks stage 3 fighting back, stage V able to some commands stage 6 bringing others down e
[12-28 01:05][Monk]Icewolfz: not ht worse idea, for a kick
[12-28 01:05][Monk]Icewolfz: and there are little to no commands that work while not standing
[12-28 01:05][Monk]Icewolfz: well besides prayersa nd magic
[12-28 01:06][Monk]Icewolfz: granted i may have made the mall require standing to even the field out but icnat mremebr
[12-28 01:07][Monk]Icewolfz: overall isay post t on monk board or idea command cnat say if/when it will happen but tis at least a new idea
[12-28 01:07][Monk]Icewolfz: dont think any one has idead fighting while not standing
[12-28 01:07][Monk]Asp stages 7 through 10 open up more techniques to slow lock up opponets, more commands while being the lazy monk.
[12-28 01:07][Monk]Icewolfz: could laos do a kickoff wher eon ground and sping at target
[12-28 01:08][Monk]Icewolfz: am off night
[12-28 01:09][Monk]Asp its sweeps & throws since those clans force the opponet to the ground
[12-28 10:08][Monk]Aspen has news: Asprox rox!
[12-28 10:09][Monk]Asprox: nnnhnnn truck.. ran me over..
[12-28 10:10][Monk]Asprox A S P E N GOT SOME NOW he wants it A L L!!!
[12-28 10:10][Monk]Asprox A S P E N GOT SOME, NOW he wants it A L L!!!
[12-28 10:10][Monk]Asprox: heheheh
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05:13, Shadowday, Sartki 6, 210 AD.

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