Monument ShadowMUD


[01-06 22:50][Monk]NEWS: Os is now level 25.
[01-07 17:35][Monk]Xorrox: sighs...
[01-07 17:59][Monk]Xorrox: 200 is g rank..
[01-07 21:29][Monk]Xorpan: Os the steel ring is really good item, we get fury depending which Clan you pick which is like the ring.
[01-07 23:18][Monk]NEWS: Os has journeymanned the Tail Clan!
[01-08 21:41][Monk]NEWS: Os is now level 26.
[01-09 19:02][Monk]NEWS: Os is now level 27.
[01-09 19:06][Monk]Os: Does Anticipate trump Dodge?
[01-09 19:12][Monk]Icewolfz: overall they are almost idleicalt code wise
[01-09 19:12][Monk]Icewolfz: i was probably alzy
[01-09 19:12][Monk]Os nods.
[01-09 19:13][Monk]Icewolfz: anticle does adjust the chance weights
[01-09 19:13][Monk]Icewolfz: otheriwse nearly the same command
[01-09 19:13][Monk]Icewolfz: i relaly should redesign one
[01-09 19:13][Monk]Os: One that doesn't drain my sp with every round is gonna do wonders for my fighting ability.
[01-09 19:13][Monk]Icewolfz: granted not sure how they worked precrash
[01-09 19:13][Monk]Icewolfz: well they use mp
[01-09 19:14][Monk]Icewolfz: rogue's elude uses sp
[01-09 19:14][Monk]Os: Well I don't either, so we should be fine,
[01-09 19:14][Monk]Icewolfz: i think
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06:56, Lockday, Sartki 2, 210 AD.

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