Monument ShadowMUD


[01-04 21:03][Monk]Xorrox: def. is 4? or 4.5??
[01-04 21:04][Monk]Xorrox: no.. melee.. was changed def is 5
[01-04 21:21][Monk]Xorrox: 350 for max def..
[01-04 21:21][Monk]Xorrox: 221
[01-05 16:21][Monk]Xorpan sets off a bunch of Firecrackers (BOOM)
[01-05 16:39][Monk]Thanatos: asp!
[01-05 16:39][Monk]Asp Lord Thanatos, It is good to have you back among us
[01-05 16:39][Monk]Thanatos bows
[01-05 16:39][Monk]Thanatos: good to be back on
[01-05 16:39][Monk]Asp bows respectfully
[01-05 16:40][Monk]Asp the gut knew something was amiss.
[01-05 16:46][Monk]Asp i like spinsweep as lowkey then the waspstun makes me giggle
[01-05 16:47][Monk]Asp though throws only work on mammoths so i bump sometimes.
[01-06 00:13][Monk]NEWS: Os is now level 20.
[01-06 15:08][Monk]Os: Yay! I didn't die!
[01-06 15:08][Monk]Xorrox: way to go!!
[01-06 15:09][Monk]Os: Think I'm poisoned though
[01-06 15:10][Monk]Icewolfz: famous last words!
[01-06 15:11][Monk]Os: Well I keep getting a I feel faint and am bleeding heavily message and my health is falling but none of my limbs are missing so....
[01-06 15:11][Monk]Icewolfz: hmm bleeding is not linked ot poison i think
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01:46, Lockday, Sartki 2, 210 AD.

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