Monument ShadowMUD


[12-29 14:22][Monk]Xorrox: ah.. Asp told me to shut my pie hole.. :(
[12-29 20:42][Monk]Xorrox: get the weapon and sell them these guys can restock. or ask if you can sell stuff from the box
[12-29 20:42][Monk]Os: what is Mercaelda?
[12-29 20:43][Monk]Xorrox: ask in chat
[12-29 20:43][Monk]Os: k
[01-01 06:09][Monk]NEWS: Leesin is now level 20.
[01-01 06:18][Monk]NEWS: Leesin has journeymanned the Tail Clan!
[01-01 06:19][Monk]NEWS: Leesin has joined the Hoof Clan!
[01-01 19:30][Monk]Xorrox: peers at you both. then monks ya both..
[01-01 19:32][Monk]Xorrox: Im not the monkest monk, I wil monk the best monk way to monk I can
[01-02 22:09][Monk]NEWS: Os has joined the Spirit Clan!
[01-03 13:08][Monk]NEWS: Xorrox is now level 2.
[01-03 13:08][Monk]NEWS: Xorrox is now level 3.
[01-03 13:09][Monk]NEWS: Xorrox is now level 4.
[01-03 13:09][Monk]NEWS: Xorrox is now level 5.
[01-03 13:09][Monk]NEWS: Xorrox is now level 6.
[01-03 13:09][Monk]NEWS: Xorrox is now level 7.
[01-03 13:09][Monk]NEWS: Xorrox is now level 8.
[01-03 13:09][Monk]NEWS: Xorrox is now level 9.
[01-03 13:09][Monk]NEWS: Xorrox is now level 10.
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09:47, Shadowday, Sartki 1, 210 AD.

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