Monument ShadowMUD


[11-18 15:08][Monk]NEWS: Xorpan is now level 40.
[11-18 22:34][Monk]A random monk knoms you!
[11-18 22:36][Monk]Asp random interrupt light sweep that makes opponent falter sweep tap.
[11-19 10:00][Monk]NEWS: Icwolfez has joined the monks.
[11-19 12:23][Monk]NEWS: Xorpan is now level 41.
[11-19 12:23][Monk]NEWS: Xorpan is now level 42.
[11-19 12:43][Monk]Xorpan bows to Kaine
[11-19 12:43][Monk]Xorpan: Greetings
[11-19 14:00][Monk]Xorpan: ah we can't spar our skills in siva monk hall?
[11-19 14:01][Monk]Xorpan: nvm they dont spar none skill related to them
[11-19 17:03][Monk]NEWS: Xorpan is now level 43.
[11-19 17:03][Monk]NEWS: Xorpan is now level 44.
[11-19 19:43][Monk]Xorpan: more BS on monk board
[11-19 20:29][Monk]NEWS: Xorpan is now level 44.
[11-19 20:29][Monk]NEWS: Xorpan is now level 45.
[11-20 14:40][Monk]Xorpan: comparing races. my lazy rear likes higher str, to str of lower than 15.
[11-20 14:41][Monk]Xorpan: makes leveling a slight pain.
[11-20 14:41][Monk]Xorpan: need to mess with Soap (gnome race) s
[11-20 16:32][Monk]Xorpan: ki chi sensing, allows the monk to fight while blind. the Engery of opponents shows the monk like normal sight.
[11-20 16:38][Monk]Xorpan: the 95 level black belt monk starts extending their inner focus outwards upon the world around. After years of mastering themselves. the monks start mastering their ki to effect the world. Deathgrip. ect
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09:16, Lockday, Kortki 12, 213 AD.

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