Monument ShadowMUD


[10-13 18:53][Newbie]Alda: so I can play the game by myself
[10-13 18:53][Newbie]Micah: that's what I want for you too
[10-13 18:53][Newbie]Icewolfz: and if you get in trouble your free to ask here or chat line and if anyone is around they might be able to help
[10-13 18:54][Newbie]Alda: Micka, can we please get on discord
[10-13 18:55][Newbie]Alda: with you and Wil and Jaelin
[10-15 11:05][Newbie]Alda: Good morning
[10-20 15:21][Newbie]Alda: Good evenigng I'm back from choir and breakfast and fine line studios
[10-20 15:22][Newbie]Alda: Is Rogre available to be online on discord?
[10-20 15:23][Newbie]Icewolfz: not sure i do not use discord, not sure if he is not idle, you will have to wait and see if he replies
[10-20 15:23][Newbie]Alda: Ok
[10-20 15:30][Newbie]Alda: I'm back at rescue
[10-21 16:29][Newbie]Alda: Hello I am back from Aunt Alysia and wrapup
[10-22 10:48][Newbie]Alda: Good morning I am back from church
[10-26 20:26][Newbie]Icewolfz: need help or have questions feel free to ask
[10-30 16:16][Newbie]Icewolfz: need help or have questions feel free to ask
[10-30 16:19][Newbie]Foobard: hallo
[10-30 16:20][Newbie]Icewolfz: hello
[10-30 16:20][Newbie]Foobard: I am a time traveller from days of Ore.
[10-30 16:20][Newbie]Icewolfz: welcome
[10-30 16:21][Newbie]Icewolfz: need anything feel free to ask
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04:59, Flameday, Kortki 8, 210 AD.

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