Monument ShadowMUD


[10-10 18:42][Newbie]Icewolfz: that url list some more client options
[10-10 18:42][Newbie]Icewolfz: if you can read it
[10-10 18:42][Newbie]Icewolfz: so far i see mushclient, mudlet, and tintin++ repeated a few times
[10-10 18:43][Newbie]Icewolfz: probably depends on software as well jaws or NVDA
[10-10 18:43][Newbie]Icewolfz: they say mudlet has issues with jaws
[10-10 18:44][Newbie]Alda: than you
[10-10 18:44][Newbie]Icewolfz: overall i would suggest trying mushclient if you are having issues with mudlet
[10-10 18:44][Newbie]Icewolfz: seems mushclient is popular based on that post for blind
[10-10 18:45][Newbie]Icewolfz: tintin++ is more simple if i remember compared to others and is controlled by the command line
[10-10 18:46][Newbie]Icewolfz: post also mentions axmud, never used that client so can not say if it is good or not
[10-10 18:46][Newbie]Icewolfz: and if you play here you could try the web client it should allow scroll back its pretty standard web page, just limited to 200 lines of text by default
[10-10 18:47][Newbie]Alda: Thanks but I'd need someone to help install the mud client
[10-10 18:47][Newbie]Icewolfz: but if you want to play other muds i suggest mushclient or looking into tintin or maybe that axmud if it is any good
[10-10 18:47][Newbie]Icewolfz: saddly i can not help you there, most i can suggest is a web client that requires no install
[10-10 18:48][Newbie]Icewolfz: mud portal lets you connect to many muds and is 100% web browser, but i am not sure how screen reader friendly it is
[10-10 18:48][Newbie]Icewolfz:
[10-10 18:48][Newbie]Icewolfz: its a free site with a mud connection section
[10-10 18:49][Newbie]Icewolfz: can use it for any mud using a web url that supplies the address and port, i forget the format off hand been a while since i used it
[10-10 18:51][Newbie]Icewolfz:
[10-10 18:51][Newbie]Icewolfz: that is the url to play where using mudportal web client
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