Monument ShadowMUD


[11-21 19:55][Monk]NEWS: Emong has journeymanned the Hoof Clan!
[11-21 19:55][Monk]Alt: with resistall, quicken, faeriespeed, mantle, and ironskin from [] plus your fury and estrength
[11-21 19:55][Monk]Asp need you to pick up the weapons in box then put then back ..
[11-21 19:56][Monk]Alt: you can handle a dragonfire, but not both
[11-21 19:56][Monk]Asp the dragonscale armor is F-ing heavy
[11-21 19:56][Monk]Alt: at least I can, I have over 3900 hp when buffed up
[11-21 19:56][Monk]Alt: yeah, i use ada field plate bc its too much
[11-21 19:57][Monk]Alt: I have a 65 str but yeah, that stuff is fighter and maybe some rogue-only stuff
[11-21 19:57][Monk]Asp eeek 3587
[11-21 19:57][Monk]Alt: full buff, especially resistall, makes a large difference..
[11-21 19:58][Monk]Alt: its not fun by any sretch
[11-21 19:58][Monk]Alt: but my tigerfury takes just 4 shots to kill them both
[11-21 19:59][Monk]Alt: so 3-4 trips to [] via portal and about 4 minutes later, I have them.
[11-21 19:59][Monk]Asp yeah id like to lock up mobs or slow their attacks.
[11-21 19:59][Monk]Alt: its also doable with dragonpalm, just takes different tactics. like use throw nodachi to lure one out
[11-21 20:00][Monk]Asp ill havevto test dp
[11-21 20:01][Monk]Alt: gotcha. Well, I'm going to leave early tonight. I'm sleepy.
[11-21 20:01][Monk]Soap: I wish I could take the melee weapons in the box
[11-21 20:02][Monk]Soap: Yay
[11-21 20:13][Monk]Alt: anyhow, I'm off for the night.
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13:05, Darkday, Kantki 19, 210 AD.

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