Monument ShadowMUD


[11-21 19:42][Monk]Asp I have too many monks!!lb
[11-21 19:43][Monk]Alt: I have too many fiters
[11-21 19:43][Monk]Alt: and too many rogues
[11-21 19:44][Monk]Alt: hmm I have a lot of monks also
[11-21 19:44][Monk]Asp oh wow discipline I just need Dragonpalm
[11-21 19:44][Monk]Alt: yeah, that's a pia, you need 2 levels I think
[11-21 19:45][Monk]Asp dang.. I wont get cleanse
[11-21 19:45][Monk]Alt: doesn't really work that well
[11-21 19:46][Monk]Alt: I have to tackle dragons with potions and tigerfury. i'm no where patient enough to attempt raye and solas with dragonpalm
[11-21 19:46][Monk]Asp my alts skip a bunch a commands, like locus, monkey. marry
[11-21 19:47][Monk]Alt: no sweep works on dragons, so those are out
[11-21 19:47][Monk]Alt: nor throws
[11-21 19:47][Monk]Asp nods Yeah
[11-21 19:47][Monk]Asp blushes
[11-21 19:47][Monk]Asp I pissed myself
[11-21 19:48][Monk]Alt: so that leaves punches, kicks, and discipline. And by far, tigerfury does the most damage. unfortunately it also makes you have to take dragonfire repeatedly
[11-21 19:48][Monk]Asp as dragonfire missed me once.
[11-21 19:48][Monk]Alt: dragonfire misses me somewhat regularly. 64+8 dex without boosts in []
[11-21 19:49][Monk]Asp id like a nerve punch, or a crushing mental blow
[11-21 19:49][Monk]Asp mithril ring was god sent
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08:33, Darkday, Kantki 19, 210 AD.

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