Monument ShadowMUD


[11-21 19:49][Monk]Alt: I'd like a 2 round version of the first part of tigerfury myself.
[11-21 19:49][Monk]Asp assail??
[11-21 19:50][Monk]Asp disruptcombo??
[11-21 19:50][Monk]Alt: its punches though, losing that 150 skill means it doesn't do any more damage than dragonpalm, probably less.
[11-21 19:50][Monk]Asp many more strikes??
[11-21 19:51][Monk]Alt: you'd think dragonpalm would work better, tbh.
[11-21 19:51][Monk]Alt: especially dual wielding dark knuckles.
[11-21 19:51][Monk]Asp dragons should resist fire?
[11-21 19:51][Monk]Alt: yeah raye and solas do
[11-21 19:51][Monk]Alt: balavoar not so much
[11-21 19:52][Monk]Alt: dp works on him, which is good.
[11-21 19:52][Monk]Asp I only killed them once. now I dont think i can
[11-21 19:53][Monk]Alt: sure you can
[11-21 19:53][Monk]Alt: tell am mportal solas
[11-21 19:53][Monk]Asp I use to thrown coffers at the drake to slow it's movement.. that got nerfed
[11-21 19:53][Monk]Alt: portal cave n n kill all monster tigerfury...get hit, race back to [] and heal and heal all
[11-21 19:54][Monk]Asp mheal left, recluse?
[11-21 19:54][Monk]Alt: using the portal is more practical than a ton of salve and the occasional rainbow potion
[11-21 19:54][Monk]Alt: too slow
[11-21 19:54][Monk]Alt: only use it if I'm parad, and usually that's nocturas :)
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13:04, Darkday, Kantki 19, 210 AD.

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