Monument ShadowMUD


[09-05 11:14][Chat]Cowl: They have limitations and such around even marketing your firm
[09-05 11:14][Chat]Tirub: They can crucify you for embellishing just how great your accounting firm is and why they should go with you over others?
[09-05 11:15][Chat]Cowl: Yep, they call it an abuse of professional ethics
[09-05 11:15][Chat]Tirub: You just tell them how awesome and customer-facing you are.
[09-05 11:15][Chat]Cowl: I compare it to a cult
[09-05 11:15][Chat]Tirub: Well, ethically, what my former CEO did was wrong. You don't necessarily have to use the same tactic, but certainly telling customers how great you are... you can't be faulted for that.
[09-05 11:16][Chat]Cowl: Again, restrictions around how you market yourself
[09-05 11:16][Chat]Cowl: They can strip you of your license, they can fine you, and its all publicised
[09-05 11:16][Chat]Tirub: I'm sure there are lots of accountants out there that THINK they're really good when in fact they maybe aren't great accountants at all. No crime in beleiving you're better than you are.
[09-05 11:17][Chat]Cowl: I get a monthly report of hand slaps, one firm was shut down, partner stripped of his license, and fined like 100k. One of his violations was in his marketing. There was others, but it was bad
[09-05 11:18][Chat]Tirub: But I stand firm on the pick a price and don't worry about it being too much for some customers. As a hobby, i ran a small machine shop out of my garage. I had tens of thousands worth of eequipment in my garage that granted me certain capabilties, yet there were alway cheap guys out there who wanted service for less. You will know what you're worth, and you must stand by it.
[09-05 11:18][Chat]Cowl: Thats what this firm does
[09-05 11:19][Chat]Cowl: We outright don't take personal tax clients
[09-05 11:19][Chat]Cowl: Not what the firm does
[09-05 11:20][Chat]Tirub: Agreed. I had certain things I would never do. I could do CNC work, lathe work, designs, prototyping... but some things I never did: I never got involved in anything involving human safety, food (food equipment), or automotice (again, safety), and welding. Anything else was fair game.
[09-05 11:21][Chat]Tirub: And I still had tons of work lined up.
[09-05 11:21][Chat]Tirub: I retired from that hobby. Now I just do my day job. Much happier now.
[09-05 11:21][Chat]Cowl: Yep, I generally don't do side jobs
[09-05 11:22][Chat]Tirub: Also, I might add, it's a lot of stress to own and run your own business, so there's an advantage to sticking with your current firm and simply climbing the ladder instead.
[09-05 11:22][Chat]Cowl: I aim for 2-3 years experience as manager and re-evaluate
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01:20, Darkday, Aenterki 4, 210 AD.

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