Monument ShadowMUD


[09-05 16:32][Chat]Icewolfz: hmm thats an intersing error
[09-05 16:32][Chat]Icewolfz: sould not happen yet it does
[09-05 16:33][Chat]Icewolfz: will haveot leave it for now as not sure how that erro reven happened
[09-05 16:34][Chat]Icewolfz: if you see mheal erros let me know trying ot figure out this wierd one
[09-05 16:34][Chat]Icewolfz: looks like osmoen healed around 11pm ish yesterday give ro take some hrs and it errored and didnt heal them
[09-05 16:35][Chat]Icewolfz: it said could not find target ot heal even if checks existed so i need toi probaly dig more
[09-05 16:36][Chat]Icewolfz: ovrelal its not am ajor isue jus twierd and not sure why it happened is all
[09-05 16:37][Chat]Icewolfz: and mostly to prevent it from spaming the log in the future
[09-05 17:16][Chat]Toblakai: does fury function the same as quicken
[09-05 17:17][Chat]Icewolfz: probably simialr
[09-05 17:17][Chat]Toblakai: and ironman i take it is a weaker buffer/ironskin
[09-05 17:18][Chat]Icewolfz: not sure
[09-05 17:19][Chat]Icewolfz doenst rmeember what stuff does off hand
[09-05 17:19][Chat]Icewolfz: her are 300 som odd abilities
[09-05 17:19][Chat]Icewolfz: clerics alone ahve 150+
[09-05 17:19][Chat]Icewolfz: yeah fury looks like its simialr ot quick
[09-05 17:19][Chat]Icewolfz: gives a melee attack bonus
[09-05 17:19][Chat]Icewolfz: iron is not the same as buffyer/ironskin
[09-05 17:20][Chat]Icewolfz: iron man adds a physical defnese bonus flag
[09-05 17:20][Chat]Icewolfz: so tis not the same as buffers/ironskins
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