Monument ShadowMUD


[01-12 14:57][Chat]Icewolfz: they added a corpseloot system
[01-12 14:58][Chat]Icewolfz: yeah i didnt readd the corpseloot permission system
[01-12 14:58][Chat]Icewolfz: and probaly wont unless abuse appears
[01-12 14:58][Chat]Pagan: most people here right now are all about helping tho
[01-12 14:58][Chat]No: I would have used one of my bigs like am to get it if needed.
[01-12 14:58][Chat]Icewolfz: think guile and spawn cuased the lootcorpse stuff to be created
[01-12 14:58][Chat]Icewolfz: they stole a lot of corpses druing a chaos invasion
[01-12 14:59][Chat]Icewolfz: overall looting corpses is more rpish then anything
[01-12 14:59][Chat]Icewolfz: some people liked to go the full evil route
[01-12 14:59][Chat]Icewolfz: probably took it a little to far and thats why coprse loot system created
[01-12 14:59][Chat]No: Icey - is it still true that if someone dies in Tundra that just wandering to the wrong part of it can unload the entire section where someone died, wiping the corpse away ?
[01-12 14:59][Chat]Icewolfz: overall i would not do the old corpseloot i would do a pk system
[01-12 14:59][Chat]Icewolfz: if one wants ot lootcorpses and abuse it i would allow them to be pked
[01-12 15:00][Chat]Icewolfz: no all player daths have 12 hour rule
[01-12 15:00][Chat]Icewolfz: so all items are safe for 12 hrs from being unloaded outside of reboot
[01-12 15:00][Chat]Icewolfz: help death
[01-12 15:00][Chat]No: true, but it used to be that tundras cleanup would force unload rooms
[01-12 15:00][Chat]Icewolfz: all dynamic areas like trundra have that hard coded so any items from aplayer will remain for 12 hrs
[01-12 15:01][Chat]Icewolfz: the death rule was added after it was noticed becuase of hte tundra
[01-12 15:01][Chat]Icewolfz: not usre if it exited precrash as the tundra may have had a diff design
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