[12-17 20:34] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: but probably not the highest pseed wise |
[12-17 20:35] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: but i forget the type it is off hand |
[12-17 20:35] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: nways when i do the update i have now spit out the bonus functions |
[12-17 20:35] | [Fighter] | Feather: comes from kragg, so whatever that armor set is |
[12-17 20:36] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: this way commands can do custo mdamge and still use the speed/ damage bonus stuff if desirred |
[12-17 20:36] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: that is firebrass but that doenst mean much |
[12-17 20:36] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: ther are 6 types matearial is a diff thing |
[12-17 20:36] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: yeah ther some fancy formual for speed based on type/maaerla/quality |
[12-17 20:37] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: in theogh flawless ada crossbow would be the 'fastest' based on #s |
[12-17 20:37] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: but gaian ther some randomness in there so i could be wrong |
[12-17 20:37] | [Fighter] | Feather: I was planning on testing some other waeapons at legend, crafting some and seeing how they all function |
[12-17 20:37] | [Fighter] | Feather: Ada, mithril, phoenix bone, dragon bone |
[12-17 20:38] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: ada is the strongest but doenst alwyasmean it is the best |
[12-17 20:38] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: ther are other factors tha tcan effect final #s |
[12-17 20:38] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: overall speed is based on base speed mod, matearal 'durabilty' mode, and then a weapon modifier for a final speed |
[12-17 20:39] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: wee quality weapon modifier |
[12-17 20:39] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: think ada has best duribity |
[12-17 20:40] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: ada, dragonscale, dargon, are the best in game for pure strength |
[12-17 20:40] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: dragonscale and ada type for duraiblty scores |
[12-17 20:40] | [Fighter] | Icewolfz: so a ragonscale crossbow and ada cross bow would ber pretty much same speed |
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