Monument ShadowMUD


[07-16 18:53][Chat]Rmp: gotta run. Food is ready.
[07-16 18:53][Chat]Icewolfz: those where at least visble
[07-16 18:53][Chat]Icewolfz: the braclet didnt relaly do much
[07-16 18:53][Chat]Icewolfz: you wore it and hten like 15 or 30 mins later your hand was chopped off
[07-16 18:53][Chat]Icewolfz: i made some notes i will see if i cna sneak someinto the jungle area i am slowly pluggin away at
[07-17 00:34][Chat]Zanatos smirks.
[07-17 00:43][Chat]Zanatos: I'M Explosive My Fireworks Go boom...Boom...BOOM!!!
[07-17 01:02][Chat]Zanatos: hello
[07-17 19:09][Chat]Fizzle: Shizzle!
[07-17 19:11][Chat]One divides by himself!
[07-17 19:14][Chat]Icewolfz: One¹ + One²-One³ = one!
[07-17 19:15][Chat]Icewolfz: One ÷ One = One⁰!
[07-17 19:46][Chat]Buzz Lightyear: to ∞ and beyond!!
[07-18 22:07][Chat]A giant mutated cat bats Cuddledragon around like a toy.
[07-18 22:07][Chat]Cuddledragon: Weeeeeee!
[07-18 22:07][Chat]Exit goes the other way
[07-18 22:13][Chat]Exit stage left, Enter stage right!
[07-18 22:18][Chat]Icewolfz: hmm bob newman died
[07-18 22:20][Chat]Icewolfz: hmm shannon dorerty too it seems
[07-18 22:20][Chat]Icewolfz: lots of deaths this week
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12:10, Darkday, Kortki 9, 209 AD.

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